Jewellery made to appreciate.

D’NOUR celebrates Emirati Women’s Day

Following the theme of Precia, we’d like to take this moment to thank you. For following our journey through Precia, breaking it down and exploring what the collection means to D’NOUR. Precia comes in styles and design that scream grandeur and elegance, for any occasion and all the smiles.

Precia is a stylised version of “appreciate”, or we’d like to believe it to be; and every element sits well with what we envisioned.

To redefine jewellery as a form of gratitude and appreciation rather than just gold and diamonds to wear is D’NOUR’s message. Precious metals and gems can mean more than just investment, it holds meaning.

We designed Precia to exude every element of love and gratitude, in the best of Dubai’s gold. Every diamond shines just as bright as you; any ring or bracelet would stand the test of time. From the original to the mini versions, Precia knows your style matters.

On the occasion of Emirati Women’s Day, we would like to honour the core of the nation, the leaders that make us a thriving community of individuals. The women that have nurtured this nation to become the great U.A.E., thank you. You are our inspiration, and you will remain the backbone for decades to come.

Happy Emirati Women’s Day today and forever more, from the D’NOUR family.

Discover the best of Precia on D’NOUR and visit our socials to dive into the D’NOUR aesthetic.

Precia collections